

Teachers and students of Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Clinical Health Sciences and Medical Support and Nursing Continuation courses at the UMC Utrecht Academy can find their course schedules through various apps.

MyTimetable uitklapper, klik om te openen

Teachers and students of Biomedical Science Bachelor's, Medicine, Clinical Healthcare Sciences, continued medical training and the UMC Utrecht Academy can find their schedules in MyTimetable.  

Go to MyTimetable

MyUU app for academic students uitklapper, klik om te openen

This app offers information about your grades in OSIRIS and your personal schedule. 

Download the app

Google Play Store

Apple App Store


The last 15 grades found in OSIRIS are automatically visible in the app. There is a maximum delay of half a working day. 

Schedule procedure for teachers uitklapper, klik om te openen

Are you a teacher at the UMC Utrecht? Please take a look at the 'schedule procedure' page where you will find tips & tricks, available timeslots and more (in Dutch).

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