Prof. dr. W.W. van Solinge

Wouter van Solinge (1962) studied Pharmaceutical Sciences at Utrecht University. After graduating in 1988, he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, for four years to work on his PhD research at the University Hospital there (Rigshospitalet). He obtained his PhD in Utrecht in March 1993. At the end of 1992 he started his training as a clinical chemist at the Meander Medical Center in Amersfoort. In February 1997 he was registered as a clinical chemist and accepted a job as a clinical chemist and staff member at both the Meander Medical Center and the University Medical Center St Radboud in Nijmegen. In September 1998, Van Solinge moved to the University Medical Center Utrecht to work as a clinical chemist and staff member at the Clinical Chemistry and Hematology department, focusing on hematology and the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ; then still in the city center). He became deputy department head in April 2000 and department head in April 2002, which he remains to this day. During that time, the department has grown into a clinical diagnostic department with 350 employees with 24/7 care, research and education in the areas of endocrinology, clinical chemistry, hematology, blood transfusion and medical immunology for both the UMC locations (incl. WKZ), Prinses Maxima Center for Child Oncology, Central Military Hospital, as well as numerous external healthcare providers. The laboratory also works with point of care tests at patients' homes, as well as innovative techniques to perform many laboratory determinations on location. In December 2003 he was appointed professor of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. In addition to the research group for hereditary red blood cell disorders, he started the data analytics research group in 2004 around the Utrecht Patient Oriented Database (UPOD) that he founded, a translational database with all data from patients treated at the UMC Utrecht. He also held various positions within UMC Utrecht, including medical manager of the Laboratory and Pharmacy division from October 2007 and chairman of the division from June 2012 to September 2016 and UMC Utrecht Ambassador for eHealth & Big Data from 2015-2020. In addition to being head of department, he is also Chief Diagnostic Officer of Trinitas Dx, a national consortium between Amsterdam UMC, Sanquin, Leiden University and UMC Utrecht, with the aim of innovating diagnostics. He is a member of the Core Group that is currently involved in the new organization of the UMC Utrecht, and chairman of the Working Party Diagnostic Center (a new center for integrated diagnostics to be realized with the Departments of Medical Microbiology, Pathology, Central Diagnostic Laboratory, Genetics, Radiology, Radiotherapy and Pharmacy). He currently supervises 10 PhD students.
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(Co-) author of >200 peer-reviewed publications on red blood cell diseases and data-analytics
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